Restorative justice in UK schools ‘could help reduce exclusions’
Campaigners call for better resolution of conflicts after figures show 35 children a day are expelled from English schools
Campaigners are urging the government to support the introduction of ‘restorative practice’ which prioritises conflict resolution over punishment in schools following alarm at an increase in the number of pupils being excluded.
Click here to read full article.
The council is releasing three short films to promote the use of restorative practice in schools. Click here to view films.
Positive Peace in Schools – Book Review
Dr Hilary Cremin and Terence Bevington have written a well-researched and eminently practical book exploring why and how schools can and should work towards building positive peace – that is, social justice. The book is Positive Peace in Schools and click here to read an excerpt from the Introduction, in which the authors set out their aims.
What happens when we stop putting people in boxes…
Moving beyond the crime in hate crimes: Community and restorative justice considered
Violence in all its forms is a matter of concern. However, violence that also corrupts our ability to function and live together as a society, and denies our humanity and value as human beings is a cause for even greater concern. Hate crime is one example, and the international debate on how to address the attitudes that foster it is now more timely than ever
Click here to read article
Can psychology help solve long-running conflicts?
Conflicts can involve different nations and religions, different races and classes. Some of them seem intractable: the tensions and hatred seem depressingly permanent. But there are a number of social psychologists who have been studying how prejudice and distrust between groups can be overcome. Click here to read article…
Can you teach people to have empathy?
Empathy is a quality that is integral to most people’s lives – and yet the modern world makes it easy to lose sight of the feelings of others. But almost everyone can learn to develop this crucial personality trait, says Roman Krznaric.
Click here to read article…
Considerations on Anger, Forgiveness and Maturity
Poet and Philosopher David Whyte on Anger, Forgiveness, and What Maturity Really Means
“To forgive is to assume a larger identity than the person who was first hurt.”
Click here to read article
Congratulations to The Forgiveness Project on a very successful 2014 lecture series discussing such varied experiences of harm and forgiveness. An inspiring and humbling experience to witness these journeys. Click here for more information
From 30th October 2014 – Police ‘modernising the gateway to the criminal justice system’
Click here to download and read article…
From Nov. 4, 2005 -UCSB Series “Voices” – The Archbishop discusses Restorative Justice, which provides restorative healing. In view of the Truth & Reconciliation Hearings.
Check out this Brene Brown take on empathy. We know that empathy has the power to inform choices and therefore change behaviour – thus the power of Restorative connection. But what is empathy – check out this short movie:
Daniel Reisel – The neuroscience of restorative justice
Restorative justice: the meeting
(The following clip may not be viewable outside of the UK)